Thursday, September 1, 2011

In A Change To The Advertised Programme

The training has taken on a different look this week.  Monday (Bank Holiday) was a cycling day and Tuesday a running day, so in an unusual twist, both Wednesday and today became swimming days.   Swimming on a Thursday is a bit of a treat.  We get to go in the small pool, so shallow, my fingers touch the bottom in the shallow end when I front crawl and much less busy than Mon/Wed/Fri in the big pool.  It's clear the serious swimmers just don't like the small pool and that suits me.  4 or 5 to a lane is really quite tedious and all you can do is adapt your pace to the prevailing average of the pack (shoal?), or should that be procession as we're all in a straight line (though I do tend to snake about a little when crawling).  So relatively empty lanes is a joy to me.

Short swim today - just 800M - meeting to get to at work, but still, how many of you swam half a mile before work today?  Oh!  A few of you.

Still facing a major swim dilemma.  My breast stroke is still quicker than my crawl, despite a year of training, but the crawl looks "proper" in a "tri". I think I'm going to have to give in, breast stroke, and just look like the desperate amateur I clearly am.  because while I'm in this to get fit and raise money, the competitor in me wants to do 3 things

  1. Be faster than last year
  2. Beat Martin Branagan
  3. Place in the top 50 (97th last year)
Please remember, click on tab at top, sponsor me, feel good about yourself!

Ta very much!

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