Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Decided that every entry from now on will be the title of a Pink Floyd song!  (Maybe in my search for sponsorship I should just title them all "Money").  Was inspired by hearing "See Emily Play" on 6 Music this morning!

My lovely, lovely big brother, has loaned me his "winter training bike". I sat on it on Sunday (and couldn't get off). It's big and frankly a little scary. The gears are very different (little paddly things by the brakes), the seat is slightly less sharp than the blade I shaved with this morning and i have to somehow manipulate my feet into clips while avoiding on-coming traffic.  I know cyclists among you will be thinking unkind things like "useless tosser" but it's all new to me!  Oh, and my new "tri" shorts arrived yesterday.  They are tight!!!!

So here's the deal. Going to go out for a proper "sesh" on the bike in the morning and one of three things will happen..

1. I will die
2. I will get hooked on proper cycling and spend my children's meagre inheritance on cycling gear
3. Nothing much

So that's all for today, except that I had a decent session in the gym this morning, including a good hard 10 mins running on the 'mill. So far, so good!

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