Thursday, May 19, 2011

Still running - still not hurting!

All credit to Susannah King, my patient Physiotherapist (obviously I was the patient!), who finally seemed to find the problem with my poorly left leg and through a series of painful manipulation sessions, ultrasound, some weird electric-shocky stuff and exercises (my daughter finds both the "lunges" and the "kicking your head off" exercises particularly hilarious) has, dare I say, cured me!  After best part of 3 years of not being able to run because of the pain, I seem to be finally free of that particular injury.

Unfortunately, I am finding that at the age of 47 (hard to believe I know) no running is really pain-free anymore.  Exercise just hurts, quite a lot really.  My left leg, (the poorly one) is in almost constant pain of some sort, but not the pain I used to feel, so that's good isn't it!

The reason I'm writing this today though is that I "ran" about 3.6 miles this morning and it didn't hurt at all. My 2nd run in 3 days and it didn't hurt.  My lungs hurt, and my quads ache, but ache isn't pain is it!  So good old Susannah of the North West London Physiotherapy Clinic, thank you.   It was a pleasure to be treated by you, and you were good company as you inflicted all sorts of agony on me for all those half hour sessions